Tag Archives: Stonehill College

Time For A Cup of BRITISH TEA

Just when I thought I understood how far reaching the Internet really is………

This morning, I did a Google search of my name. Come on now, admit it, you’ve done one for YOUR name as well, haven’t you?

Anyway, I did this search because I wanted to know how many newspapers and online news sites had picked up the article Misty Harris of Postmedia News had written.

Misty wrote a great piece about the fact that women have less time for face-to-face socializing with other women than they did, as recently as 1998.


In addition to her interview with me, Misty spoke to an associate professor of sociology from Stonehill College in Massachusetts and the CEO of the Vanier Institute of the Family in Ottawa. She also used Stats Can statistics.

It’s a great story – well-researched, well-written and with the timely message that WOMEN need to MAKE TIME for FRIENDSHIPS with OTHER WOMEN.

I learned this valuable lesson the hard way a little over a decade ago. In fact, it was this exact life lesson that prompted the BIRTH of CHICK NIGHT.

After figuring it out for myself – with the help of some wonderful women friends (thanks ladies!) – it was time to GET THE WORD OUT to as many other women as possible.

I knew I was not the only woman who had been NEGLECTING HERSELF in favour of looking after everyone else in her life. That’s when The Beginner’s Guide to Chick Night™ started to take shape.

Now that the book is written and published, it has become a personal passion of mine to get it into the hands of as many women who need to read it as possible.

Sure, I’d love to have a gazillion of them sell – and I’m totally okay to have that happen – however, the MOST IMPORTANT thing is for the MESSAGE to REACH the WOMEN who NEED it.

Whether they read it by purchasing their own copy, getting it as a present, checking it out from the library, or borrowing it from a friend – as long as they get to READ IT, I will be happy!

Now, let’s get back to my original point about how big and far-reaching the Internet is. My Google search took me to a website in BRITAIN called Lovereading.co.uk that offers my book. I also discovered that it is available through http://www.amazon.co.uk/

Available in ENGLAND! Oh, my Grandma Martin would have been pleased.

So here’s to the POWER and REACH of the Internet. Reach, baby, reach. Spread the message to women across Canada, the United States, and Britain. Keep going into Europe and beyond.

Talk soon.


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